Sensory-Friendly Attractions Around Town
Posted: November 16, 2017
SENsoRy OVerlOAd!! It is a real battle for most of our children on the Autism Spectrum. It can present in many forms, such as: the feeling of uncomfortable clothes, loud noises, bright lights, too many people in one area, personal space invasion, etc. These sensory issues can make it difficult to engage in the same activities that those without sensory issues often attend on a regular basis. It makes going…
Posted: November 1, 2017

Thank you for checking out our blog posts! This is Lea, co-owner: We Rock the Spectrum Jacksonville. This is my journey through blogging for WRTS Jax. Today's focus is on our Teen Night. Teen Night is one of my personal favorites here at the gym. Each month we continue to grow and add more friends to our group. Last month was our biggest ever with 15 teens registered! As our…
9357 Philips Hwy #3, Jacksonville, FL 32256
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