Rockin’ the Real World: We Rock the Spectrum Jacksonville offers Job Site Programs to Young Adults
Do you remember your first job? What about the laundry-list of responsibilities, new co-workers, navigate a new office space, learn new equipment, etc., etc., etc.!
It can be very over-stimulating and fearful to begin a new job. Job skills are important to have a successful career, although an emphasis on the skills you need to attain AND maintain a job are not always taught directly. Teens & Young Adults with developmental disabilities may need more assistance when entering the job world because of a variety of reasons. A focus on vocational skills and social skills is necessary to prepare for a future outside of academics to help prepare and teach simple tasks in a 1:1 setting where they can ask questions and learn comfortably.
Here at We Rock the Spectrum-Jacksonville, we invite these teens & young adults to practice job skills in the gym such as: Following a Task List, Cleaning Tasks (Sweeping/Mopping/Sanitizing), Data Entry in the Computer, Filing Documents, Preparing Materials for Special Events, and more! Each student comes with a direct support professional to help prompt them through tasks and teach skills necessary to complete. We love that we can provide that safe, educational environment to teach such important skills to these amazing teens!
Meet Quinn. He is one of the many young adults who help us out here at We Rock the Spectrum-Jacksonville each week, while strengthening his career skills. Quinn has very strong computer skills and enjoys being creative! He even has his own YouTube channel (See the snip of it above!) It is important to find a job that you enjoy AND have strong skills in the field, so we decided to invite Quinn to our WRTS Blog and share his experiences in the gym! Each week, Quinn will come in to the gym and practice his research skills, writing skills, and follow a detailed list of instructions on what to write about! He will complete each post on the computer – and even make & take the pictures & videos to follow! We hope you enjoy the insight Quinn can bring us all into his world, experiences, and what he enjoys! And… ACTION!
Hi my name is Quinn.
I’m 17 years old.
I am making those movies like Toon Friends.
I like to watch TV.
and I like to eat pizza.
And my job is cleaning.
And data the entry.
And I’m working on the computer.
Check out my video on Youtube channel called, Quinn727 Studios!
Today, I will tell you about my favorite swings at WRTS.
My favorite part of WRTS is swinging on the bolster swing.
It looks long blue bolster.
It feels happy and soft.
It moves back and forth and side to side.
It makes me feel like flying.
9357 Philips Hwy #3, Jacksonville, FL 32256
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